A No BS Insiders Look at Wealthy Affiliate From An Actual 5+ Year Member

With the increasing popularity of making money online, the number of online training courses claiming to teach people how to make money on the internet has also increased. Maybe you’ve tried one or more of these programs and not had much luck. I know I have, and did not like the fact that I was only wasting my time and money. Then a little over 5 years ago, I found the popular affiliate marketing training platform Wealthy Affiliate and everything changed for me.

You have probably heard of Wealthy Affiliate, but are skeptical since so many programs out there are just over-hyped or worse, simply don’t work. I was skeptical too after trying so many bogus programs, but since Wealthy Affiliate had a free no-risk starter trial membership option, has a 4.9 out of 5 Trustpilot rating, and has been around for over 18 years, I took the plunge and have never looked back. I put together this review to hopefully help you get an honest insiders look of the platform and be able to determine if it would be a good fit for you and your business.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Lady working on her online business from her laptop

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced affiliate marketer, this will help you make an informed decision about how Wealthy Affiliate works, what it offers, and how it could help you and your business.

But, before we get too far along, we need to discuss what Wealthy Affiliate is, and what it is not. And, most importantly, what you are looking for, needing, and wanting in an Affiliate Marketing platform.

I know you don’t know me and are probably thinking why you should you listen to anything this guy Rex has to say? Well, you can take my word for it or, you could check it out for yourself by clicking the button below. There is Zero Risk to take a look around, it’s free they don’t even ask for a credit card, so you have nothing to lose. 😉

And remember, if you do nothing, in a year from now you will still be where you are now, wishing, wondering, a year older, and still not making any money online. The choice truly is yours.

What Is Wealthy Affiliate? Who the Heck are Kyle and Carson? And Why Should You Trust Them?

Wealthy Affiliate is an online platform that provides training and resources for affiliate marketers that aims to teach people how to build successful online businesses. Founded in 2005 by Canadians Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim, Wealthy Affiliate has over 2 million members worldwide.

The platform offers step-by-step online business training, website building tools, web hosting, keyword research tools, community support, and more. Wealthy Affiliate has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve financial freedom through online businesses.

Kyle founder Wealthy affiliate
Carson co founder Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate

  • Website: wealthyaffiliate.com
  • Owners: Kyle Loudon & Carson Lim
  • Product: Online Business Education
  • Price: $0 Starter – $49 per mo. Premium
  • Trustpilot Rating: 4.9 out of 5.0

Now, let me be up front with you, I’m a Wealthy Affiliate “Premium Plus” member and have been for nearly 4 years now. So, obviously, it’s been great for me and it is where I run my online businesses ( I am up to 4 currently). But, more importantly, is it a good option for you?

The questions to ask are: Is it the right fit for you and your business? Is it something you would be interested in doing or not? Could you use more training, tools and support? I can’t answer that for you, and maybe you can’t either at this point.

That is what this review is for, I want to give you an honest insider’s opinion of the Wealthy Affiliate Platform. So you can decide for yourself if it is a good fit for you. Now, I’m not going to try to tell you it’s perfect, nobody’s system is but, from my experience, it is one of, if not the very best if you are serious about starting your own online business.

Wealthy Affiliate member statistics

The founders of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle and Carson, started out over 18 years ago with zero online business experience, just like all of us, but learned and eventually became extremely successful affiliate marketers. Then they worked together to build Wealthy Affiliate for the purpose of helping train others to build their own online businesses. And now, Wealthy Affiliate is the highest rated platform on Trustpilot with a rating of 4.9 out of 5.0.

What Wealthy Affiliate is NOT: Let’s Get Real.

The very first thing we need to get straight is: If you are looking for a “get-rich-quick” or “easy-Money” program, Wealthy affiliate ain’t it. And guess what, none of those other courses or programs are either. They don’t exsist. I know, because I’ve tried them. Never mind what you’ve seen on Instagram or Facebook or YouTube of some guy in front of a Mansion leaning on a Lamborghini.

One, for 99.9% of those guys, they don’t own any of that, they rented them for their advertising video shoot. And two, anybody telling you that you can get rich overnight with affiliate marketing, or any business for that matter, is most likely a con artist and you need to run away as fast as you can holding on to your wallet for dear life.

Legitimate, long-term, profitable businesses take work, lots of work, time and dedication. Look, I’ve reviewed hundreds of these “make Money” courses and programs. And, I can tell you that most of them are just over-hyped crap. They make their money by selling you courses and endless upsells, all you get is frustrated with less money than you started.

old black and white photo of a spokesman holding a book titled "Get Rich Quick" photo has circle with line through it indicating not get rich quick
No such thing as Get-Rich-Quick.

Now I’m not here to discourage you, or be Mister negative, I just want to make sure we are all clear about the realities of affiliate marketing and online business. Yes, you can make a lot of money online and many people do. But if you’re not willing to put in the time, effort, and yes money, then this is not for you. Sorry, just being real. It doesn’t take a lot of money, but it does take some. There are no freebies or we would all be rich already.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best online business models. It’s fairly simple and doesn’t take a ton of money to get started. But, it takes some tools, training, support and a lot of work. The Good news is Wealthy Affiliate can provide you all the tools, training and support you need to build a successful online business, the work part however, is up to you.

OK, now that we have that out of the way, what is Wealthy Affiliate and what can it do for you? I mean, after all, this is about you and your business needs and goals. Because it doesn’t really matter what I think of Wealthy Affiliate if it doesn’t fit with you and your plans.

Wealthy Affiliate Features vs the Competition: There Really is NO COMPARISON!

Most other affiliate marketing programs you will see require payment upfront before you can see what the inside of the program. Wealthy Affiliate offers a Free Trial starter membership that gives you a chance to see for yourself if the platform is a good fit for you before you spend any money. If it is, then there is a monthly, or annual, fee to become a full member.

The competition usually has a one time upfront fee then they hit you with multiple upsells. Their large upfront fee is enough to pay for two or more years of Wealthy Affiliate membership in most cases. And, with those other courses, you will still need to purchase web hosting, website building software, a website domain name, an AI writing tool, and a keyword research tool. This could easily add up to $50 – $100 or more per month in expenses.

Wealthy Affiliate Features diagram

At Wealty Affiliate, all of these tools are included with your premium membership fee including web hosting for up to 10 websites. So, already, Wealthy Affiliate is a much better buy right out of the gate. But you also get an AI niche finder tool to search for profitable niches to build online businesses around.

You also get the new AI-assisted Business Hubs platform with built in site content editor and, the Jaxxy Keyword research tool. There is also an affiliate program search platform included with over 10,000 affiliate programs you can promote. At Wealthy Affiliate any hobby, passion, or interest you have can be turned into a profitable online business.

Add to all that the hundreds of classes and training resources that are available on-demand, with more being added weekly, and you have the most advanced and complete online business training and building platform in the industry.

But What About What the Competitors say? HINT: It’s Mostly Bovine Excrement.

Now, you may read other reviews out there that bad mouth Wealthy Affiliate. But keep in mind two things:

  • 1. Most, if not all, of them have never been actual paid members of Wealthy Affiliate so their opinions are often based on wrong and/or outdated information. and,
  • 2. They make money by promoting an alternative to Wealthy Affiliate.

That’s OK, the course or program they are promoting may be a good one, but remember you will have additional monthly costs to fully implement their program and training. I’ve been a Wealthy Affiliate member for over 5 years. I’ve seen it firsthand just how awesome the platform is, and more importantly, I have done it and am doing it. And, I’ve also reviewed hundred of other “make money online” programs. To borrow from the insurance company ” I know a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two”. 😉

But, the cool thing about Wealthy Affiliate is, you don’t have to take my word for it, you can call bullsh*t, and check it out for yourself with Zero Risk. Just click the button below and take a tour, jump in the chat room and talk with other members and see what they have to say.

You can go through the first 8 lessons of the training and see if you think it is something for you or not. Only you will know for sure. I can only give you my opinion and experience. Keep in mind, all the other programs and courses out there are going to charge you upfront and then, if you decide it’s not for you or don’t like it, give you a refund,……maybe……..eventually…….you hope. 😉

No BS sign

So, do yourself a favor, click the button below and check Wealthy Affiliate out for yourself, if you want to learn more about the platform, continue reading and we’ll go more in depth as to what wealthy affiliate is and how it works.

What Makes Wealthy Affiliate The Best in the Industry? And How Can It Help You Make Money?

I know, I know, everybody says their program is the best. But, there are many features of Wealthy Affiliate that really do make it the best platform for building an online business. You have access 24/7 to a worldwide community of members who are happy to help you with questions or problems. You have thousands of training resources at Wealthy Affiliate from classes, videos, and tutorials available on demand with your membership.

You can learn step-by-step at your own pace and as much or as often as you need.The following are just some of the ways that they lead the industry, in a very crowded field of “make money online” platforms, programs and courses:

  • The quality of the training and support. Wealthy Affiliate offers comprehensive video training, live 24/7 support, and no upsells. You can learn everything you need to know about affiliate marketing, social media marketing, YouTube, digital real estate,and more from scratch, and get help from experts and other members whenever you need it. There are new classes and training sessions every week so you stay informed with the very latest information, tips, tactics and strategies in the online business world. Fasttrack your learning and success.
  • The value of the premium website hosting. Wealthy Affiliate provides premium website hosting for up to 10 websites, with fast loading speed, security, backups, and SSL certificates. Their webhosting also includes 24/7 site support. You also get access to thousands of themes and plugins to customize your site. On most programs, these are significant extra costs. Wealthy Affiliate is the best value in online business.
  • Leading the Industry in AI technology: Wealthy Affiliate has been in the forefront with training in the use of the latest Artificial Intelligence technologies. From live and pre-recorded classes to their new “Niche Finder” AI platform for finding profitable affiliate marketing niches, to their new HUBS online business builder, Wealthy Affiliate has you covered. Nobody else is even close!!
  • The quality of the training and support. Wealthy Affiliate offers comprehensive video training, live 24/7 support, and no upsells. You can learn everything you need to know about affiliate marketing, social media marketing, YouTube, digital real estate,and more from scratch, and get help from experts and other members whenever you need it. There are new classes and training sessions every week so you stay informed with the very latest information, tips, tactics and strategies in the online business world. Fasttrack your learning and success.
  • The value of the premium website hosting. Wealthy Affiliate provides premium website hosting for up to 10 websites, with fast loading speed, security, backups, and SSL certificates. Their webhosting also includes 24/7 site support. You also get access to thousands of themes and plugins to customize your site. On most programs, these are significant extra costs. Wealthy Affiliate is the best value in online business.
  • Leading the Industry in AI technology: Wealthy Affiliate has been in the forefront with training in the use of the latest Artificial Intelligence technologies. From live and pre-recorded classes to their new “Niche Finder” AI platform for finding profitable affiliate marketing niches, to their new HUBS online business builder, Wealthy Affiliate has you covered. Nobody else is even close!!
  • The potential of the affiliate income. Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to create niche websites that attract organic traffic and generate revenue from various affiliate programs in any niche ( hobby, passion, or interest) imaginable. I have a fishing niche site earning affiliate commissions, thebeachangler.com. You can also earn recurring commissions by referring others to Wealthy Affiliate.
  • The credibility and reputation of Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate has been around for 17 years and has a strong reputation, with a 4.9 rating out of 523 reviews on Trustpilot. WA responds to every comment, whether positive or negative, to address any concerns. You can even talk to the actual owners of the platform, Kyle and Carson. They are on the platform everyday.

On Demand 24/7/365 Online Business Training – Saving You Time, Making You More Money, and Keeping You Ahead of the Competition!!

Tools are not much good if you don’t know how to use them or what to do with them. Well, Wealthy Affiliate has you covered there too. Their core affiliate marketing training just had a compete update and will take you step by step through niche selection, designing and building a wordpress website, creating engaging and compelling content optimized for search engines (SEO) to generate organic “free” traffic. How to select and promote affiliate offers to your website visitors and earn commissions.

In addition, there are new live trainings weekly on numerous online business topics to keep you up to date with the latest tools, tips and techniques in online marketing. Including artificial intelligence platforms like ChatGPT and Google Bard.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. As a wealthy affiliate member you have access to thousand of trainings on everything from YouTube, digital real estate, site flipping, social media marketing, ecommerce and much more.

It really is the best value in online business training, bar none! If you are really serious about building a profitable, long-term, online buisness then you owe it to yourself to check out the Wealthy Affiliate Platform.

Friendly and Helpful Support from a Community of Actual Successful Online Entreprenuers. You Never have to Feel Like Your’re”Going it Alone”.

With a worldwide membership of over 2 million, there is always someone to help you if you have a question or get stuck. The community of members helping each other and providing insight and guidance is one of the awesome features of the platform.

There are very successful marketers, and online business entreprenues, that you can ask questions and pick their brains. You can even contact the owners of Kyle and Carson. You never have to feel like you’re “going it alone” at Wealthy Affiliate. You have access to 24/7/365 support from people that are actually doing it, not just talking about it.

4 steps to online success - wealthy affiliate member testimonial
24/7 Live Chat for Members

Get Started with Your Own Online Business Today with Wealthy Affiliate’s HUBs Platform

The all new Business HUBS AI-assisted platform will help you find a profitable niche, select a brand name for your business. It will walk you through step-by-step the process of building your website as the foundation for your online business. And then it will suggest hundreds of content ideas, and even write the content if you want, to drive traffic to your website to grow your online business faster and make it more profitable than ever possible before! And its all included with your membership.

How Does Wealthy Affiliate Work? And How Can You Build Your Own Online Business With It?

This is the important part, right? I mean that’s what we all are looking for, a program that actually works and actually delivers on all of its promises. We see all the success stories, but how can Wealthy Affiliate help you become successful in the world of onlilne business as well?

Wealthy Affiliate provides step-by-step training on how to build an online business, as well as all the tools and support necessary to build a real, long-term, and profitable online business. The training covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Niche selection
  • Keyword research
  • Website creation
  • Content creation
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Social media marketing
  • YouTube Marketing
  • Digital Real Estate
  • ecommerce
  • Email marketing
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  • Affiliate marketing

Once you sign up for Wealthy Affiliate, you will have access to a wide range of training modules, including video tutorials, live webinars, and written content. You will also have access to a community of fellow affiliate marketers who can provide feedback, support, and advice so you never feel like you’re ” going it alone”.

Video class on the introduction to Affiliate Marketing by Kyle Loudon founder of Wealthy Affiliate
Expert Classes at Wealthy Affiliate – New classes every week

You will have access to 1000s of classes and training on every imaginable aspect of online business. And at Wealthy Affiliate all training is continually updated to stay up to date and ahead of the curve.

If a training becomes out of date or obsolete it is either updated or deleted withing 10 days. To ensure you will always have the latest and most up to date training and tools.

Everything from social media marketing, Affiliate Marketing, YouTube marketing, digital real estate, website building, Search Engine Optimization and much more.

The core training, recommended for new members, focuses on building a niche blog website for affiliate marketing around something you are interested in, consider a hobby and or are passionate about. Because, if you are truly interested and passionate about the subject/niche you will be more likely to stick with it and put in the work necessary to be successful.

A Simple 4-Step Process to Making Money Online

You will learn the four step process to making money online. How to select a profitable niche that you have an interest in. Build a niche blog website. Research keywords to find what people in your niche are searching for. Then how to write quality, SEO optimized articles/content for you website with those keywords so your website shows up for those searchers. Then how to monetize ( make money with) your websites.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - The four step process to making money online

You will have all the tools you need. Premium high speed web hosting included, the Jaxxy Keyword research tool, live ongoing online training classes each week plus recordings of all the previous classes. As part of your paid membership you also get hosting for up to 10 websites at no additional charge. Any other program, you will have to pay for this as an additional cost.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Jaaxy Keyword research tool
Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Included with Your Membership to Wealthy Affiliate

Is Wealthy Affiliate a SCAM? Do People Really Make Money With It?

Wealthy Affiliate is definitely not a SCAM. They have been in business for 18 years with over 2 million members worldwide. They could not have grown this large, or had this much success, if it was a SCAM. But, don’t just take my word for it, check it out for yourself.

sign stating 100 percent legit

They actually let you try the platform out with a Trial starter membership. Then you can decide if it is a good fit for you and your online business. A SCAM would never let you do that.

They give you access to the first 8 lessons in the Online Entrepruneur Certification course, a free practice siterubix website and access to the community where you can ask questions of current members as well as the owners, Kyle & Carson, themselves.

Then you can make an informed decision on whether Wealty Affiliate is a SCAM or a Legit online business training and web hosting platform. Because, in the end, only you know what is best for you, your online business, and your needs and goals.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Legit? Can You Actually Build a Successful Business Using It?

Wealthy Affiliate is absolutely 100% LEGIT. However, it is NOT a get-rich-quick or overnight success scheme. It’s not a point and click your way to wealth program, like many you will see being promoted. It’s not a place to make money within the platform by spamming affiliate links to other members.

Also, It’s not “easy money” or ” plug-n-play”. If that is what you are looking for, don’t waste your time. Wealthy Affiliate ain’t that! And just so you are aware, those that claim to be “easy money” or “plug-n-play” are more than likely SCAMS.

Building a real business takes work, time, dedication and patience. But, if you are serious about learning how to build a real, profitable and long-term online business, you will find everything you need in the Wealthy Affiliate platform. HOWEVER, it will take work, any business, online or otherwise, takes work and lots of it to be successful.

How Much does Wealthy Affiliate Cost? What’s the Real Bottom Line?

While Wealthy Affiliate does offer a Free Trial Starter Mermbership, if you are serious about starting an online business, you will need to upgrade to a premium or premium plus membership and yes, there is a monthly membership fee. OK, but remember, there is much more to it than just “a membership”, you get hosting for up to 10 websites included. That alone would cost you more than the monthly membership fee.

You have access up to 200 live training classes plus access to recordings of all the previous classes. This would cost you literally thousands with other platforms. The premier Jaxxy keyword research tool is included as well.

Most keyword tools range from $20 to $100+ you get one of the best at no extra charge. Plus, and this may be the most important benefit, you have the opportunity to network with and ask questions of some of the most successful internet marketers in the world. So, when you look at the whole package, the big picture if you will, Wealthy Affiliate is the best online business platform for your money – BAR NONE! Nobody gives you more for your money than Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate Membership pricing structure
Wealthy Affiliate Membership levels and Pricing

Wealthy Affiliate offers three membership options: Starter, Premium and Premium Plus. The Starter membership is a great way to try out the training and tools to see if it fits with your needs and goals before committing to a paid membership. The Premium membership costs $49 per month or $499 per year. A savings of $91 over the monthly option. With Premium Plus you can save over $491.

The Starter plan includes access to the first 8 training modules, website builder with one practice website, web hosting for the practice website, access to the AI niche finder and Hub builder tools, and access to the community support. You will get a feel for the platform, the community and online business.

It’s Zero Risk, no credit card needed, just sign up with your email and you’re in. But, remember, it’s a just a Trial membership or tour basically to see if it’s a good fit for you. Don’t expect to start making money with the starter membership. That’s not what it is designed to do.

If after you try the starter membership, you decide this is something you could see yourself doing and you are ready to start your online business journey, then you will need to upgrade to one of the paid memberships to access all the tools, training and resources to build a real, long-term and profitable online business..

Wealthy Affiliate home screen shot

The premium plan includes access to all training modules, website builder with unlimited websites, web hosting for up to 50 websites, 24/7 website support, Jaxxy keyword research tool, niche finder tool, weekly live training sessions, access to all previously recorded live training sessions, advanced community support and much more.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It? Will I Actually Make Money with It?

Ultimately, only you know if Wealthy Affiliate is the right platform and place for you. If you think you have an interest, by all means, take them up on the free trial and check it out for yourself. It’s totally zero risk, they don’t even ask for a credit card up front like most do. There is a button with a link to the Starter Trial Membership below.

Wealthy Affiliate - drone affiliate commissions
A nice commission from one product review on my fishing blog.

If you decide you like it and become a member, you can make a massive amount of money with Wealthy Affiliate if you are willing to complete the training, follow the training and implement the training. It will be totally up to you. The training is there, the support is there and the community of members is there and they are happy and willing to help you succeed.

The Wealthy Affiliate Community is the Most Helpful Community in the World. Period. The most difficult aspect of building a business online is getting help when you need it. Getting help, 24/7, through access to a myriad of people with all kinds of expertise is exactly what you can expect. We are a community that truly cares and will be there for you all day, every day.

There is no other community in the world that you can walk into as a complete stranger and create unbelievably powerful business relationships. Every single day there are 10,000’s of people networking within Wealthy Affiliate, creating businesses together, offering each other insights, and building their network.

The only missing ingredient is you and your desire, determination, drive and dedication. I recommend you take the Trial starter membership and decide for yourself if Wealthy Affiliate is worth it. I can tell you how great it is, but in the end, only you know what is best for you and your needs and goals.

Wealthy Affiliate - Success story 60K in sales
John has had tremendous success with Wealthy Affiliate

But What if You Don’t Like It? Does Wealthy Affiliate Have a Refund Policy?

Wealthy Affiliate has a NO Refund policy. But, they allow you to test drive the platform before you buy so there is no need for a refund, and then deliver online training and web hosting on a month to month, or annual, basis. That is why I recommend you begin with their free starter membership first.

You get a hands on tour of the platform to see what all is offered and how it all works before you decide to join and spend your hard-earned dollar. And, if after your TRIAL starter membership, you are still not entirely sure, just join at the month to month premium membership.

By the end of that first month you can decide if you want to continue, or cancel if it’s not what you want or are looking for. No hard feelings, and you will have gained valuable knowledge about the world of online business and marketing for less than the cost of a night at the movies.

Wealthy Affiliate Zero Risk trial offer

What do you get with Wealthy Affiliate? How Do You Use It to Make Money?

Wealthy Affiliate is an all-in-one online business training and web hosting platform. The following are some of the features of the platform that you can check out for yourself with their TRIAL starter membership.

diagram of what you can achieve at wealthy affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate Features that Can Accelerate Your Business and Income

  • Step-by-Step Training – Wealthy Affiliate offers a comprehensive training program that covers all aspects of affiliate marketing, from niche selection to keyword research to content creation to traffic generation. The training modules are easy to follow and include both written and video content. In addition, there are weekly live video training sessions for premium members.
  • Hubs Website Builder – With Wealthy Affiliate’s website builder, you can create a professional-looking website without any coding knowledge. The website builder includes a wide range of templates, and you can customize your website with your own images, colors, and branding.
  • Web Hosting – Wealthy Affiliate provides web hosting for all of its members. The hosting is fast and reliable, and includes features such as daily backups, site security, and site speed optimization.
  • Keyword Research Tool – Wealthy Affiliate’s keyword research tool can help you find profitable niches and keywords to target. The tool provides data on keyword search volume, competition, and potential traffic.
  • The latest AI Technologies: Wealthy Affiliate is leading the industry in adapting and incorporating the latest AI technologies to assist you in everything from finding a profitable niche to creating quality content to post to your website that will rank in the search engines and attract visitors to you site. And, in business, more visitors means you make more money!
  • Community Support – Wealthy Affiliate has a large and active community of affiliate marketers who help each other by providing feedback, support, and advice. The community includes both beginners and experienced marketers, and members can connect through forums, live chat, and private messaging. And, you can even chat with, and message, the owners Kyle and Carson.

When you join and start a business Hub at Wealthy Affiliate the AI assistant kicks in with suggested categories and article topics for your new website saving you hours, if not days and weeks, of research and frustration. You are ready to hit the ground running and building a real online business.

Who is Wealthy Affiliate For? Does it Fit with You and Your Business Needs and Goals?

Wealthy Affiliate is for anyone who wants to learn how to build an online business. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced online marketer, Wealthy Affiliate has something for you.

home-based business - Mom working at her home business from her laptop while her young daughter looks on

If you’re looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, Wealthy Affiliate is not for you. Wealthy Affiliate emphasizes the importance of hard work, dedication, and persistence.

Is Wealthy Affiliate for you? In the end, only you can answer that question. That is why they offer the TRIAL starter membership option.

I realize that we don’t know each other, yet, but I’m willing to bet that you’ve spent a good portion of your life putting in work. Hard work, most likely for someone else. So the questions become, wouldn’t you rather work hard for yourself? And, if you don’t take that next step and start to build an online business, where will you be six months from now, a year from now, or 10 years from now?

Most likely, you will still be in this same place, with the same money problems, fears, and worries. Don’t take my word for it, check it out for yourself. Wealthy Affiliate makes it easy with their starter trial option so you can check it out first with zero risk, then when you’re ready you can upgrade your membership to skyrocket your online business.

Pros and Cons of Wealthy Affiliate

Pros of Wealthy Affiliate

  • Comprehensive training: Wealthy Affiliate provides step-by-step training on how to build an online business, making it easy for beginners to get started.
  • Supportive community: Wealthy Affiliate has a large and active community of members who are always willing to help each other out.
  • Free membership: Wealthy Affiliate offers a free membership option, allowing you to try out the training and tools before committing to a paid membership.
  • Website builder with customizable templates
  • Fast and reliable web hosting
  • Tools and resources: Wealthy Affiliate provides a wide range of tools and resources, and AI technologies to help you build your online business, saving you time and money.

Cons of Wealthy Affiliate

  • Overwhelming amount of information: Wealthy Affiliate provides a lot of information, which can be overwhelming for beginners.Solution: 24/7 live chat with other successful members happy to help you succeed.
  • No refunds: Wealthy Affiliate does not offer refunds on its paid memberships, so you need to be sure that it’s the right fit for you before committing. That’s why I recommend you try the Free starter membership first.
  • Recurring (monthly or annual) membership fee: remember any online business, or any business for that matter, will have recurring fees. Wealthy Affiliate consolodates many of these in its membership fee where with other programs you will have to pay them separately in addition to the cost of their program.

Wealthy Affiliate Member Testimonials: See What Others are Saying and Achieving.

Here are some testimonials from other successful Wealthy Affiliate members:

4 steps to online success - wealthy affiliate member testimonial

“I’ve been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for over two years now and it’s the best decision I ever made. The training is top-notch, the community is supportive, and the tools are amazing.” – John

“I was skeptical at first, but after joining Wealthy Affiliate and following the training, I was able to start my own successful affiliate marketing business. The support from the community and the tools provided by Wealthy Affiliate were instrumental in my success.” – Sarah

“I’ve tried other affiliate marketing training programs, but Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best. The step-by-step training is easy to follow, and the community support is invaluable.” – David

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Real People with real testimonials about Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate Frequently Asked Questions

frequently asked questions

Can I make money with Wealthy Affiliate?

Yes, you can make money with Wealthy Affiliate by applying the training and building a successful online business. However, it requires hard work, dedication, and persistence. Many people have made money through affiliate marketing using the training and tools provided by Wealthy Affiliate. However, success depends on your own efforts and dedication to the platform.

Is Wealthy Affiliate suitable for beginners?

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is suitable for beginners as it provides step-by-step training on how to build an online business. While it can be overwhelming for beginners initially, the step-by-step training and community support make it a good choice for those new to affiliate marketing.

What kind of support does Wealthy Affiliate offer?

Wealthy Affiliate offers a supportive community of members who are always willing to help each other out. It also offers one-on-one coaching and technical support.

Can I try Wealthy Affiliate before committing to a paid membership?

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate offers a free membership option that allows you to try out the training and tools before committing to a paid membership.

Is Wealthy Affiliate a scam?

No, Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam. It is a legitimate affiliate marketing training platform that has been around since 2005.

Is Wealthy Affiliate’s web hosting reliable?

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate’s web hosting is fast and reliable, with features such as daily backups, site security, and site speed optimization.

How much does Wealthy Affiliate cost?

Wealthy Affiliate offers a free plan and a premium plan. The premium plan costs $49 per month or $495 per year.

My Recommendation: Grab Your Starter Membership and Get Your First Business HUB Started Today!

So, there you have it folks, Wealthy Affiliate is definitely worth joining if you’re serious about building an online business. It is an excellent online training course and community for anyone who wants to build an online business.

The comprehensive training, supportive community, and wide range of tools and resources make it one of the best online training courses available. It’s a great choice for beginners and experienced online marketers alike.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - wealthyaffiliate.com home page

If you’re looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, Wealthy Affiliate is not for you. Wealthy Affiliate is a comprehensive affiliate marketing training platform that offers a wide range of features and benefits. They have been in business for over 18 years providing the best online business platform bar none. And, it continues to grow and expand with new features, benefits and training.

While it may be overwhelming for beginners and a recurring expense, the platform’s step-by-step training, website builder, web hosting, keyword research tool, business Hubs builder, and active community of affiliate marketers make it the best platform for those serious about making money online through affiliate marketing, bar none! At Wealthy Affiliate you never have to feel like you’re “going it alone”.

Now, while I would love to see you at Wealthy Affiliate and be very happy to help you on your way to online business success, but if you aren’t sure, or don’t have to time to dedicate to your online business, then don’t waste your time or my time. I think that’s fair, don’t you?

Mom working on her online business from her laptop with her young daughter sitting in her lap

Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform, everything you need for success in online business is there. You just have to commit to putting in the time and effort to learn, apply what you learn and never give up.

There will be a lot of work, and days when things go wrong, but if you don’t Quit, nobody can stop you from being successful. I would love to work with you, but if it’s not right for you, I wish you all the best and much success in all of your endeavors, whatever they may be. If you think it may be the right fit for you, click the button below and get your Starter Membership and look me up on the inside. I’ll be there to help you as will the rest of the Wealthy Affiliate Community.

I’m Looking forward to working with you,

P.S. Again, the Wealthy Affiliate starter membership is 100% Zero Risk. No catch, no obligation, no bait and switch. I will personally be in touch with you upon joining to offer my support and guidance to help you get up and running online. If you have any questions or are unsure of anything, just leave them below in the comment section. I am here and I promise I will get back to you on all of your questions and comments.

P.P.S. Thanks so much for checking out our blog we really appreciate it. Just so you know, we may receive a commission if you click on some of the links that appear on our site. This helps us keep our content free and up-to-date for everyone. We appreciate your support!” Follow me on Twitter: @onlinebenjamin1, Instagram: dotcomdinero, and Facebook: Online Benjamins

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