How to Go from a Lost Newbie to a Successful Amazon Affiliate Marketer

Amazon, the largest online retailer on the planet with over 300 million active customers, has an affiliate program. They offer an enormous inventory of products to promote. In fact, For almost any niche you can think of, there is a product on Amazon that you can promote as an affiliate and earn commissions.

I assume, since you are here, that you are interested in affiliate marketing on Amazon. Perhaps you’ve tried affiliate marketing with Amazon before without much luck. Maybe you’ve seen one of those “Gurus” on social media with his Lambo and Mansion promoting his latest greatest “secret” affiliate marketing training. Well, I’m no guru, but I am a member of the Amazon Associates Program and have been earning commissions as an Amazon Affiliate for over 4 years.

 Amazon Affiliate - Amazon logo

It wasn’t easy, I had seen all the ads on YouTube, Facebook, and online with the talking heads all telling me how I could make money with affiliate marketing and finally quit my 9 to 5 and live the “laptop lifestyle”. Sound familiar? Yeah, I know, you’ve seen them too. I even tried some of their courses and found out that most of them make their money from selling courses, not by being an amazon affiliate.

best ways to make money on the side - Lady working at her laptop holding a handful of cash she made on the side

Then finally, one day while reading a blog about backpacking tents, I clicked on one of the tents and was taken to amazon. The bloggers were Amazon affiliates earning commissions from promoting tents and camping gear.

Then I noticed, in the blog sidebar, where I could get free training on how to start my own blog just like the one I was reading and become an Amazon Associate myself. I clicked on the link and as they say, the rest is history. šŸ˜‰

I finally found a platform with real training, support, and real results where I learned how to become a successful Amazon Affiliate Marketer. And, the best part was, there was absolutely zero-risk to check out first. I didn’t even have to give them a credit card. Just an email address and I was introduced to the best online business training platform anywhere.

I was able to get all the tools, training and support to build a real, profitable online business. But more about that later. First, let’s take a look at the Amazon affiliate program and how you can make money as an Amazon Associate too and quit being disappointed and taken advantage of.

And, once what you learn the process, you can apply what you learn to make money as an affiliate for millions of other products, services and companies besides Amazon. This could be the opportunity you’ve been looking for, but you won’t know unless you check out their. Follow along now as we take an in depth look at the Amazon Affiliate program and how you can start your own succesful affiliate marketing business as an Amazon Associate.

Now, I understand if you’re still not sure, so keep reading, and we’ll take a closer look inside the Amazon Associate Program. Everything from the benefits of joining the program to the steps involved in the application process.

Why Become an Amazon Affiliate?

Becoming an Amazon Affiliate is an excellent way to monetize your website, blog, or social media platform and make money online from anywhere in the world you can get an internet connection. As an Amazon Affiliate, you earn a commission on every sale made through your referral link. And, they have products in every niche or interest you can think of.

Now, Amazon Affiliate Marketing is not a get-rich-quick, or easy money scheme, it takes work and some specific steps to be accepted and successful, but you can build a real, long-term, profitable online business as an Amazon Associate.

Benefits of Becoming an Amazon Affiliate

  1. Good Commission Rates: Amazon offers some of the highest commission rates in the affiliate marketing industry, with rates ranging from 1% to 10% depending on the product category.
  2. Wide Range of Products: Amazon has millions of products available for sale, meaning there are endless opportunities to promote products that align with your niche and audience.
  3. Trusted Brand: Amazon is a well-known and trusted brand, making it easier to promote their products to your audience and drive sales.
  4. Easy-to-Use Platform: Amazon’s affiliate platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate, even for beginners.
  5. Add-On Sales: Once someone navigates to Amazon through one of your affiliate links, you earn a commission on everything they purchase while there, even products you didn’t promote. Amazon is great about suggesting other items.

How to Become an Amazon Affiliate

The good news is, anybody can become an Amazon Associate. And you can do it too. But how do you get started and how to build a successful Amazon Affiliate business? That’s exactly what we will cover In this article.

Follow along and I’ll take you step-by step through the process and show you the amazing platform I use to build my Amazon Affiliate businesses.To become an Amazon Affiliate, follow these four simple steps:

Step 1: Choose Your Niche and Products

To become a successful Amazon affiliate, it is important to choose a niche for your website. A niche is a specific topic or area of interest that you will focus on. Your niche should be something that you are passionate about, a hobby or interest, and that has a large active audience or participants. When selecting your niche, consider your interests and expertise, as well as the potential profitability of the niche.

The next step is to set up your website or blog and social media accounts. To become an Amazon affiliate, you’ll first need to have a website or blog. Amazon will ask you for your website information when you sign up.

Make sure to choose a domain name that reflects your niche and is easy to remember. Once you have your website or blog set up, it’s time to choose the products you plan to promote on Amazon that align with your niche and create your Amazon Associates account.

Step 2: Create an Amazon Account and Join the Amazon Affiliate Program

If you do not already have an Amazon account, you need to create one. Visit the Amazon website and click on the “Sign In” button in the top right corner. Follow the instructions to create an account. Once you have an Amazon account, you can join the Amazon Affiliate Program.

To become an Amazon affiliate, you’ll need to sign up for the Amazon Associates program. The application process is straightforward and can be completed online.

Go to the Amazon Associates homepage and click on the “Join Now for Free” button. You will be asked to enter your personal information and website details. Once your application is approved, you’ll be given access to your affiliate account and can start promoting Amazon products on your website.

Amazon Affiliate - Amazon sign in page
Amazon Affiliate - Amazon Associates sign up page

Step 3: Create Your Amazon Affiliate Links

After your application is approved, you can start promoting products on Amazon. To create an affiliate link, simply go to the product page on Amazon, then go to the “Amazon Associates Site Stripe” toolbar at the top of the page, and click on the “Text” link. You can then copy the HTML code or the shortened Amazon link to use in your promotions.

Creating affiliate links is easy. You can then use this link code to create a hyperlink on your website that will direct users to the Amazon product page. If they make a purchase of either the product you’re promoting, or anything else while they are there shopping, you will earn a commission.

Amazon Affiliate - Amazon site strip link generator example

Step 4: Promote Amazon Products

Now that you have your affiliate links, you can start promoting Amazon products on your website, blog, paid advertising or social media platforms. Promoting your affiliate links is crucial to making money as an Amazon affiliate. Be creative with your promotions, and make sure to disclose that you are using affiliate links.

Your website or blog should be focused on a specific niche or topic, as we discussed earlier, that aligns with the products you plan to promote as an affiliate. For example, if you plan to promote fitness products, your website should be focused on fitness-related topics.

By driving targeted traffic to your website, people specifically searching for the products you are promoting, you’ll increase the likelihood of your audience clicking on your affiliate links and making a purchase on Amazon and you earning a commission.

You can also use Amazon banners, widgets, custom ads and native ads to make your promotions more visually appealing. And, be sure to follow the Amazon Associates Program policies and guidelines when promoting your links or else you risk having your account suspended or canceled.

How Much Can You Make as an Amazon Affiliate?

While Amazon is a huge online retailer, the commission rates can be fairly low. This means you need to make a lot of affiliate sales to earn any significant income. As you see in the example below, over $3,000 in sales resulted in only $91.55 in commissions.

Average commission rate is about %4 with some specialty categories as high as %10 percent. The good news is that Amazon is so big and so many people are online, that you can still make good money on as an Amazon Associate. Would you like to learn where you can earn much more? READ ON.

example of Amazon Associates earnings report
Amazon Associates Earnings report example

The good news is, Amazon isn’t the only game in town when it comes to affiliate marketing.There are literally thousands of affiliate programs and millions of products you can promote. Many of these programs pay higher commissions than Amazon. And, you are not limited to one affiliate program. As an affiliate marketer you decide which programs and products to promote. It is your business and your income.

Better Alternatives to Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Like I mentioned earlier, Amazon is not the only affiliate program you can join, there are thousands of affiliate programs and millions of products that you can promote as an affiliate marketer. Some of the programs pay up to 85% commissions and hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars per sale. But, how do you find them? Well, you could do a Google Search and go through them one by one.

Wealthy Affiliate - Success story 60K in sales
Example of what you can earn with a High-Ticket Affiliate Program

Or, you could use the Affiliate Program finder tool I use below. It is a feature of the Hubs online business platform at Wealthy Affilate and it will save you hours of searching and you can sign up for the programs that interest you right from the Hubs Affiliate Program tool. Everything you need to run your affiliate marketing business is within your Wealthy Affiliate Hub.

Affiliate Program Finder example from the Wealthy Affiliate HUBS platform
Wealthy Affiliate Hubs Affiliate Program Finder

If you are seriously considering affiliate marketing with Amazon, or any other affiliate program, you owe it to yourself to at least check out the Wealthy Affiliate Platform. It is by far the best and most comprehensive affiliate marketing and online business platform in the industry.You can read my full review of Wealthy Affiliate, the platform I use to run my successful Amazon Affiliate businesses ( I am up to 4 now).

Better yet, you don’t have to take my word for it. You can check it out for yourself with no-risk and no-obligation. They won’t even ask for a credit card. Just enter your best email and you are in. You will be taken to the welcome page you see below. Then click where it says “start here” and it will guide your through the entire process of building a real, profitable, and long-term affiliate marketing business.

Free Starter membership page at Wealthy Affiliate
Welcome Page once you sign up for your Trial of Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate to Fast Track Your Amazon and Affiliate Marketing Success

Wealthy Affiliate is the highest rated platform on Trustpilot at 4.9 out of 5 and is by far, the best value in online business training.

And, it will provide you with a proven process, based on over 18 years of experience, on how to become a successful Amazon affiliate, and many other affiliate and online business opportunities, to finally build a real, long-term and profitable online home business.

It will increase your chances of success, help you avoid costly mistakes, and shorten the time to reach your goals. Becoming a successful Affiliate Marketer is actually pretty simple when you have the proper tools, training and support. And,there’s Zero-Risk to try, so you have nothing to lose. Plus, you’ll have me as your personal success coach.

4 steps to online success - Wealthy Affiliate Trust pilot review 4.9 out of 5
Highest Rated platform on Trustpilot: 4.9 out of 5
4 steps to online success - wealthy affiliate member testimonial
Wealthy Affiliate Member in Chat

If you decide that Wealthy Affiliate, and affiliate marketing, are a good fit for you then you can upgrade to the full paid membership where you will have access to all the tools and training inside the Wealty Affiliate Hubs, such as niche finder, affiliate program opportunity finder, AI writer tool, website builder and much, much more.

Plus you’ll get premium website hosting, thousands of hours of online business training, and a community of successful online entreprenuers to support and help you succeed. There really is nothing else like it anywhere. But, check it out for yourself, you’ll be glad you did.

Wealthy Affiliate Review - Real People with real testimonials about Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate Member Testimonials

The Amazon Affiliate Program: Final Thoughts

Becoming an Amazon affiliate is a great way to earn income online and an excellent way to monetize your website, blog, or social media platform. And, it can be a lucrative opportunity for bloggers and website owners to earn passive income through affiliate marketing. But, as you can see, it is a little more complicated that just grabbing some links and start making money.

By following the steps in this guide, and implementing the tips provided, you can become a successful Amazon affiliate and earn commissions by promoting Amazon products on your website or blog, social media or through paid ads.

If you’re really serious about building a long-term, profitable Amazon Affiliate Marketing business, I recommend you take up Wealty Affiliate on their TRIAL Offer and take a look at all the tools, training, resources and community support you can get.

It is the best affiliate marketing and online business platform, bar none. And I’ll be there to help you along as well. Pretty cool, huh? šŸ˜‰

Iā€™m Looking forward to working with you,

P.S. If you have any questions or are unsure of anything, I am here and I promise I will get back to you on all of your questions and comments. Just leave them below in the comment section, or if you would rather, email to: Follow me on Twitter: @onlinebenjamin1, Instagram: dotcomdinero, and Facebook: Online Benjamins

P.P.S. Thanks so much for checking out our blog we really appreciate it. Just so you know, we may receive a commission if you click on some of the links that appear on our site. This helps us keep our content free and up-to-date for everyone. We appreciate your support!”

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